Bottom line is if you use the shiny-side up youre doing it right. Aluminum foil is a thin shiny sheet of metal that is often used to wrap food. Should You Use The Shiny Or Dull Side Of Aluminum Foil Foil Aluminum Foil Shiny You probably wouldnt wrap food in gold foil because of the cost but aluminum foil is good for that. . The answer is definitely yes. As it turns out theres no correct side of aluminum foil to use when cooking. The variation is a result of the manufacturing processthe shiny side comes in contact with highly polished steel rollers and the matte side doesnt. It can also be used to make containers for food or to line baking pans. There is also another aluminum foil paper of which both sides are shiny. The exception to this rule is the non-stick type of aluminum foil. Non-stick foil is a good choice when baking dishes that can get sticky like macaroni and cheese. Aluminum foil is made of alum...